Thursday, 30 May 2013


Westerners, who visit India or interact with educated, well-heeled Indians or relatively less educated blue-collar workers in their own country, have FAQs about Indians. Those Indians who have settled in USA or Europe are excluded here! Westerners, who have traveled to different parts of globe, are mature enough not to straight away stamp Indians as wrong; they say- they are different! However, they cannot understand some general traits found with Indians, which are difficult to explain during personal observation. In spite of mentally prepared to face a cultural shock after entering the third world in general and India in particular- few things are beyond their understanding! The flop and flip side are discussed in two separate blogs. Why they cannot get wine in a wine shop? Why in spite of clear written instruction- No separate queue for women, there is a different line of women near ticket counter? Why MAY I HELP YOU counter at public places is without I? Following are FAQs about Indians.
1-      First question that is often raised by them is- Why Indians, when visiting Rome, Paris cannot be a Roman or a Parisian for few days.  In today’s connected world, it is not that an Indian visiting these places has a shock due to lack of knowledge. Enough information is available on net and he is expected to understand the culture backdrop there.
2-      With due respect to vegetarian habits of many of Indians, question asked is- barring few exceptions, why Indians do not experiment with local cuisine which is vegetarian? They are comfortable with chocolates, ice creams, bakery products; but what about other items on the main course. Indians on a short stay of 3/5 days on luxury cruise ask for Indian food only. Many Indians carry with them frozen food packets during their Europe or US tour. However, when given a chance, why do not they experiment with local cuisine?
3-      Why Indians (barring Sikh & Parsee community) in general cannot laugh at themselves.
4-      A strong comment on lack of discipline in a queue. Letter Q is missing in Indian English.
5-      During important business meetings or even in friendly social conversation, if an Indian has not understood a point raised by his western counterpart- either due to pronunciation or due to technical jargon, why he just nods and not ask to clarify.
6-      Westerners always express concern over human safety in India. Be it wearing of helmet, or putting a belt while driving a car, why Indians generally do not follow the simple rules. Why a scooter rider with helmet on removes it after crossing Delhi border?
7-      Indians’ priority to education is respected throughout the world. In fact, Indian Professors today can be found throughout world. What worries them is- poor priority given to sports? The question raised by them is –Why Indians have this or that (education or sports) instead of this + that?
8-      In spite of detailed information available on LED display, announcements, maps available, why Indians need a human interface? Tourists visiting Dubai Mall get a free Map in different languages at all entry gates. Why Indians after picking the map and pocketing it, start asking questions about directions to strangers?
9-      Indians largely depend upon two Gs. One is God and second is Government. The issue raised by westerners is- why Indians bring every now and then Government in discussion. India is a democratic society and Indians only have chosen the government; then how are they different from it?
10-   Are Indians a very busy lot who are always in a hurry? If chaos at a square after traffic signal getting green is any indication, they must be!  This is contradictory to respecting time of appointment.
11-   Barring metros and larger cities, why foreigners in general and white skin tourists in particular are stared as if they are from a different planet?
12-   In a group with different nationalities and languages, why two Indians talk to each other in Hindi and not in English?
13-   On a tour to U S A or Europe, why well-to-do Indians also go for mental calculation of Indian Rupee to Dollar in case of minor purchases ?
14-   Why doors of a car, gate of a lift, receiver of a landline phone are banged harshly.
15-   Indians are a sentimental lot is accepted throughout world. Question raised is- why Indians cannot control emotions while condoling death.
The other ( flip) side shall be discussed in next blog.

Monday, 27 May 2013


                                                             TERA-MERA MATRIX

A jingle from an advertisement of mobile service operator inspired to write this blog. The original lines were- JO TERA HAI WOH MERA; JO MERA HAI WOH TERA!
 In real life situation, we meet and interact with all kinds of people; some selfish to core, others with an attitude of a philanthropist. Day in day out, we interact with many either willingly or unwillingly. Majority of these transactions have a specific purpose to achieve. The moment word transaction comes in; we talk of two parties. In business transactions, the backdrop is different compared to those transactions where one is not necessarily a winner at cost of other party.
We observe four types of transactions, which are put into four different quadrants. They are-
1-      Start/standoff point:-Mine is mine – yours is yours ( mera woh mera; tera woh tera)
2-      Exchange after successful negotiation:- Mine is yours –yours is mine ( mera woh tera, tera woh mera)
3-      Donation:- Mine is yours – yours is yours ( mera woh tera, tera woh tera)
4-      Exploitation:- Mine is mine, yours is mine ( mera woh mera, tera woh mera)
The matrix developed  is as under:-





1-MERA WOH MERA + TERA WOH TERA:- As mentioned earlier, this is starting point for negotiation or stage of status quo after unsuccessful  negotiation.
Initially, both parties have something to offer to other party, which is of value to other. The only issue is perception about monetary conversion of that value. When both parties have feeling that, what other party is offering is of value to them; there is likelihood of agreement and exchange. However, as mentioned earlier, when both parties think that they cannot reach an agreement, they reach to status quo. Back to square one- find out another party for offer and negotiation.
2- MERA WOH TERA (PRODUCT) + TERA WOH MERA (MONEY/PURCHASING POWER):-Both, in business and in non-business situations, any exchange between parties include money, goods or services normally. What both parties bring to table should always be of value to other party. The other party must translate your value proposition into monetary terms if you offer something abstract; only then, exchange is possible. Today, when prices of most commodities are not stable, one of the two parties is always unsatisfied in spite of successful negotiation and exchange. Competition plays an important role and there must be some parity in judging the value proposition offered by competitors. Those who understand the golden rule        - WHAT APPEARS CHEAP IN SHORT RUN MAY PROVE COSTLY IN LONG RUN normally take right decision. In exceptional cases of barter, what other party offers may not be money but goods/services.
3-TERA WOH TERA +MERA WOH TERA:- Donations from an individual or CSR activities from a business organization fall in this category. TERA- the other party has hardly anything to offer except good wishes. Reasons behind donations may be manifold- ranging from getting relief from income tax , earning PUNYA (Hindu Philosophy) to -be known even after death (condition of naming of school/college/institute in name of donor or his/her father/mother). Crucial aspect of donation is- it should go to deserving persons/organizations. Indian philosophy says that if the donation is anonymous, its value increases. Organizations and individuals both- should be proactive than reactive if they are falling in this quadrant. Many- who are really in need are tough/dogmatic enough not to approach anybody with a begging bowl. Countries suffering from natural calamities have refused help on humanitarian grounds from other nations.
4- TERA WOH MERA; MERA WOH MERA:- In real life, we do find this situation which clearly falls under category of exploitation. When this happens among family members, relations collapse. In business situation, this cannot be a permanent scenario today –thanks to liberalization, and globalization. However, the exploited party is wounded, unhappy; and waits for an opportunity to hit back at an opportune time. Once, a person has bitter experience with other person or with an organization, he is much more careful while dealing next time. Those – exploited in some cases migrate to other places. Organizations exploited by the might of a larger organization find other partners/buyers for their products. In some business contracts, where fine prints of terms and conditions are not read and interpreted properly, organization lands itself in such situation.

Thursday, 16 May 2013


                                          WEARING THE HAT OF YOUNGER GENERATION
A teacher or instructor has tough time handling class of 60 students for even an hour. The reasons can vary ranging from reducing attention span of students, dull subject, and disturbances from external environment and so on.
One important reason is lack of understanding of young student community, which on many occasions is also misunderstood by their parents. In fact, some parents completely surrender to teacher or psychiatrist with those words- AB TUMHARE HAWALE….
 Common dialogue from both parents and teachers is- things were not like this during our time when we were students. Question is how can they be same over a generation? Can we as teachers/parents change our thinking hat and look to scenario from their point of view?
1-Bonsai looks good in drawing room. You can also have world’s smallest dog –Chihuahua as your pet. Nevertheless, do you want us to be growing like a Bonsai or Chihuahua? If the answer is NO, kindly let us have our own way and not your philosophy- EITHER MY WAY OR HIGHWAY!
2- Kindly let us know our status! Are we grown up or growing up or still kids. You as parents have different standards on various occasions. If a glass full of water is broken, you say- you have grown up but still cannot handle a simple glass of water. However, if we want to have a night out with friends at her residence, you stop immediately saying- you are not mature enough to stay out whole night!
3- You and your parents may have been educated in local/vernacular medium. Competition has forced education through English medium that we have accepted without any fuss. Now if we have global personalities as our Icons/hero/role-models, why so fuss about it. We can immediately connect with Bill Gates and J K Rowling than with Munshi Premchand and Subhadra kumari Chauhan.
4- All of us cannot have an IQ of Einstein. Giving hormone treatment to brain has its own limitations. It may move from 60 to 70 but not reach 110.
5- Why on this earth sports/music/hobby is treated as distractions from study. As long as we not choosing any of the above as our future profession, these activities act as refreshers from regular study routine.
6- Why our one time failure is not accepted with grace? We are to be blamed if we have a five-year plan to clear matriculation examination. However, one failure during only one or two subjects/practical is heavily criticized. WHY?
7- We cannot be a combination of APJ Abdul Kalam and Sachin Tendulkar or a mixture of Indra Nooyee and Mother Teressa. If we are good/mediocre at one particular area, kindly accept that.
8- Instead of touching feet of elders or relatives in a social function, we greet them with Hi. This does not mean that we are manner less!
9-We have grown in a net connected world! We understand well that information is not knowledge. However, appreciate the fact that your canvass is 35 mm while ours is 70 mm.
10- You grew listening to story with a morale- SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE! We are listening to a new rule of the game- BE 80% CORRECT AND FASTER RATHER THAN 100% CORRECT AND SLOWER!  In new story, the hare did not take a break and won race over tortoise.
11- For your generation protection of assets such as cash, ornaments was of prime importance. Now the problem is partially solved with availability of gold bonds and safe deposit vaults. For us it our privacy which is very important because there has been a change in our public private ratio. We protect our privacy by changing our FB profile, changing the password of e-mail and in extreme cases by closing our account also.
12- You claim you know value of money. Many of you are therefore in spending + save mode. We know present value of money we have through pocket money. Hence, we are in spending mode-maximizing value of little money we have. Saving from whatever little kitty we have would be unwise (not foolish).
13-Ocasssions- If alumni meet of 1980 batch of yours is important for you, we have our fresher’s party or valedictory function in school for the outgoing batch on top priority.
14- You follow philosophy of SST- Sasta, Sunder, Tikau ( Cheap, attractive, durable). We believe in Sasta Roye Baar Baar, Mahanga Roye Ek Bar.
15- If we are comfortable with different gadgets, it does not necessarily mean that we are genius. You suddenly raise your expectation after watching us working on laptop and then get disappointed.
16- You insist on dedicated parking for car while buying a flat or villa but park the car outside and earn by letting the garage. This is happening to us also in real life. In some cases, we do not find a dedicated place in your minds which has other priorities on top. We are referring to quality time to be spent with us.
17- You give us wings to fly and when we start flying on our own; you start giving us GYAN- Direction is more important than speed! We know both- in which direction are we going and at what speed.
18- Like you, we also believe in the God. However, the way you deal with him on transaction to transaction basis is unacceptable to us.
19- As long as we are current on information on latest happening, why criticize us for not reading newspaper? We get the same information faster and more authentic through news alerts.
20- While buying an asset for us  such as a mobile or a moped; please do your homework on both onetime capital cost and recurring expenses. Yes, our pocket money should be cut if mobile bill is extraordinarily high. Nevertheless, if it is within limit; why each month complain on receipt of bill?
Can we as parents or teachers listen to what they are trying to say? Not all, but may be few of the issues raised by them force us to rethink and mend our ways a bit.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Decoding The Indian Rich

These lines are very much applicable to middle and lower income classes and not to riches. The critical issue is - rich in India do not want to be labeled publically, barring of course few exceptions. I always asked question (while discussing market segmentation) to students- How many of you are from rich class. Barring a lone exception, I have never found anybody confessing publically that he or she belonged to rich class. This is typical of an Indian- While our attitude to earn money is positive; confession in public about our financial status is unreal.
There are various reasons for such response. One is overall negative attitude in India towards rich. This is evident during accident scenario between bicycle/scooter with car. Bicycle/scooter rider may be at fault, but crowd gathered immediately starts abusing car owner. Wealth can be created with legitimate means is a concept not digested by many Indians. Anger against rich is portrayed in many Hindi films, which have lot of impact on masses. Another angle is we have our own unique standards of judging financial status of individual. It can vary from number of raids by income tax department in past few years, amount of money spent in marriage of son/daughter or donation to temple. There are some communities where first reference to individual is on basis of his net worth only. The punch line is-Party is worth 50 crores! This scenario makes understanding of rich class both challenging and interesting proposition. A note of caution- Rich class referred in this article does not include super rich falling under Forbes list. They are rich by global standards and exhibit very different lifestyle and spending pattern. Rich referred here are from Maharashtra only. Rich in north India show different pattern from one in south India. Also please note that RICH is one who has both – wealth and mentality to spend!
Matrix developed as under might be of some help to marketer of luxury products.

Rich classes consume wide range of luxury products. They broadly fall in two categories - public luxury such as high-end car and private luxury- cosmetic products, fragrances etc. Difficulty marketer faces while tapping rich class is –REACH. Once we categorize them into different quadrants and understand their spending/consumption pattern, reaching and preaching them may become easier.
1-TADITIONAL RICH: - Marketers have no difficulty in identification of this class. Society in which they live knows them as KHANDANI RAIS. They do not need income tax raid to prove their financial worth. The ADAB is evident in their mannerism and demeanor. Their turnout is always good and they are connoisseur of luxury products. They donate generously and help needy. They are proud owners of luxury products such as vintage car or crystal idol of Lord Ganesh. They are members of social clubs but visit it occasionally. They are careful while choosing social company. Politics is not their cup of tea. Barring few exceptions, many of them are in spending mode while few others are in wealth accumulation mode. They believe in concept of lifetime employment while offering job to person for their personal duty. They normally do not count monetary value of villa or flat in which they live (in posh locality) while assessing their own financial status. They welcome visitors in Diwan-E-Aam or Diwan-E-Khas depending upon relation.  Daughter in laws from this class had tough time earlier. Things have changed for better now.
2-WINDFALL RICH:- This niche ( not segment) can be found near metros or in towns. Be it Hijewadi near Pune or Raddhana village in Haryana, some land owners have become crorepatis overnight thanks to infrastructure development. Those who win bumper lottery also fall in this category. Windfall gain initially makes them nervous. After euphoria is over, they make rational investment again in land, palatial houses and fixed deposits. They cannot be immediate buyers for private luxury products. They are not very comfortable with other rich people with same worth. Few join English-speaking classes and wives join finishing schools so that they can be comfortable while socializing. During public conversation, they may suddenly throw an English sentence. They also take pride in their hygiene habits, which do not change because of sudden rise in fortune. They are attractive buyers for interior decoration of newly bought house. They are good prospect for luxury cars. Few donate part of their fortune to temples because they believe that the sudden gain is due to wish of God.
3- ELEVATOR RICH: - This segment exhibits different pattern of spending and consumption. Their rag to riches story has some dark shades. However, once wealth is accumulated in quick time, they want status need to be satisfied instantly. Earlier, we had incident from Goa where few persons who amassed wealth through illegal means became Special Executive Magistrate after getting their police records cleaned. They announced this elevation by writing SEM on brass nameplates outside their villas. Car they own(readers know which brand and model I am referring to), diamond studded rings in fingers,  golden chain around neck, and bracelet in hand all speak loudly of character of person. They donate generously to public functions, health camps, festivals such as Ganeshotsav and Dahi Handi. Entering into politics is their prime ambition. They normally wear white clothes. Their kids can be seen driving big cars with stereo on with full volume. They are immediate buyers of public and private luxury products; only challenge is identification and reaching them. Greater challenge is making them understand concept of luxury. While buying a high-end car, they buy vanity numbers such as 007 or 8055 (BOSS on fancy number plate) to let world know that they have arrived. Their vacation is normally to places such as Tirupati or Shirdi. Their wives and kids spend lot on personal grooming, entertainment and socializing. Competitive spirit and one up-man ship is common with them. Male dominance is common among this class and relatives (blood relations) play crucial role in handling their wealth.
4-STAIR CASE RICH: - This set of customers is ideal for marketer of private luxury and public luxury products. They normally do not show ATTITUDE because they have reached ALTITUDE through hard work and knowledge. They are well aware of difference between them and traditional rich and rarely copy them. They again are connoisseur of luxury products and buy cars, lady handbags, costly mobile handset and perfumes only after thorough understanding. Investment in education of kids is on top priority because they themselves have been successful through this model. They, like traditional rich, give good treatment to their employees but always keep them at distance (In case of traditional rich- employees become part of family). While sitting in car driven by chauffer, person (woman) will always prefer seat on left at rear. Unlike their counterpart- elevator rich, they never allow their kids to drive car unless eligible. While registering car, they may opt a number, which is not vanity number, but may be combination of date, month and year of birth. They enjoy vacation in U S A or Europe. They are aware of flop side of social networking sites such as face book and are careful in declaring identity and uploading of photos of family functions. They are not publicity savvy and local community may be unaware of their financial status.
Having categorized rich among four quadrants, marketer must understand who is a nerd- who understands luxury. As is said by a famous marketer, nerd buys luxury because he/she understands it. Herd buys because nerd has bought it. Reaching out to nerd hence is crucial.